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So seeing as most people here would admit that democracy is a failed political system and would opt for a more dedicated and loyal form of governance I thought I would write a bit on this and see what people have to say on my take as to how a future white nation may conduct it's affairs so that it's people enjoy maximum happiness whilst ensuring the continued growth and development of our people. So starting off I'll just list a couple reasons why democracies suck.

-Slow and clumsy: voting takes precious time that with a more streamlined system could save lives and prevent disaster out right.

-Susceptible to corruption: This is pretty obvious but the number one concerns of politicians is reelection this means the best way to ensure reelection is to spend as much money on campaigns as possible and how do you acquire this money? Through various donors whose policies you will push in exchange for cash.

-The dumbing down of politics: Most politics today is dictated by the theatrics of the political system not through great minds or great leadership. Too often people are divided into groups and then hating each other for stupid reasons and the election is devoid of any meaningful discussion or meaningful action since politicians won't solve a problem they need to be elected on to solve. Thus ensuring they would be elected in perpetuity as long as the problem continues to be a problem.

-Rule of the mob: the majority of people are not politically active or mindful and yet are for some reason entitled to have a vote. A migrant who obtains citizenship is for some reason allowed to vote. Not only does focus of political issues get dispersed and can even be focused on non meaningful problems like refugees and so on. But the political system is boiled down to who is the most popular and who can appeal to the lowest common denominator.

So in seeing these issues I propose a two tier system of government in the style of our forefathers with various adjustments so that it may perform better than our previous systems.

One is a simple regional democratic system which elects a governor for an indefinite term which lasts until a challenger can call for new elections.

Then we have a federal meritocratic government above that which one can only access through skills and accomplishment.

The federal government's priority has to do with the boundaries of the nation as well as general problems within the nation such as food self sufficiency and the probable need for expansion to provide room for a thriving people. The scale of the federal government includes all regional states and takes into account things like disease, infrastructure and security.

The regional democratic government's powers is limited to the everyday lives of the people namely community administration and communal infrastructure.

How the federal government will appoint new members will be reliant on the quality of candidates and their success in certain fields pertaining to the positions that the federal government needs. Finally a leader for the federal government will be chosen based on support from within the federal government and will not be leader for life but rather leader until retirement upon which they will take on an advisory role and not any leadership role unless some unforeseen circumstance such as the assassination of a leader.