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I'm not going to argue at all against any of those reasons you listed as to why democracies suck. While the NSDAP had the majority vote at the end, Hitler was appointed Now about the rest. Your descriptions of the federal government roles were exactly what National Socialism did. It was a meritocracy. However, your proposal for a regional democracy ("until a challenger can call for new elections") after explaining exactly why it sucks makes little sense. As you stated: elections are "shenanigans with fake promises and foreign money buying influence". Because the regional elected official holds the authority, he could simply abolish the ability of the citizenry to call for another election "at any time" through not only speaking against the concept, but paying media outlets to parrot his opposition to it. Strong challenging candidate or not. Strength is not what works in a democracy. Candidates don't fight in a test of wills. The one whose lies are believed more gets the position. You can rename rights to "fundamentals" and it would change nothing. Regional candidates bribed by wealthy PAC organizations and corporations would decide any number of those are 'not truly fundamental' and eliminate or neuter each one in time. Free speech has become 'unless someone says certain things the jews don't like'. Self defense has become a farce in the justice system. If you did come to power and laid down these ground rules, it may be fine at first, for awhile. Eventually, those rules would gradually deteriorate in an increasingly degenerate society. That is where we're at now. We're not in a collapse as the blindly recited meme suggests. Society is declining. It's decaying. Further, one culture and one philosophy is what the enemy wants. An eventual degradation of all other cultures by combining those that do not mix so that cultures mingle too much to resemble anything of value. This is the same result as miscegenation the enemy pushes. A mentally handicapped psychotic abomination is always the result. If you don't live around these creatures enough to witness monstrosities of interracial breeding, you need only look to India where the brown hoards shit in and pile up garbage on the streets as their verbal assault on your ears is nothing short of rapid fire insanity. We've had many proposals for alternatives to National Socialism on this board. The main reason none of them were viable is that all jews, as they are born nation destroyers, every one of them grips hold of our foundations through their vile tricks and pulls those foundations down through many steady degenerate infections of our ways of life. A meritocracy cannot exist in a world where jews are CEOs of multi billion dollar corporations (many of which are media), international banks or hold any talking positions in government. Not when the people are blinded by their lies. There is no new political party or 'non-party' that can stop this degradation unless kikes are first grabbed by their hooked noses and taken out of all positions of any import. None may have the ability to influence. Not a single one.