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It isn't just a stigma. Everyone in the medical field knew in the past that surgical masks were nothing but glorified splash-guards. This situation is the same as all other commonly accepted lies. As Goebbels is constantly attributed the false quote, "If you tell a big enough lie and tell it enough times, it will be believed." when he never said that. Goebbels said in Churchill's Lie Factory (1941) "One should not as a rule reveal one’s secrets, since one does not know if and when one may need them again. The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous." The jews have lied about Goebbels talking about lies. That is how fucking dense they are. So they continue their big lies and imbeciles believe them. This is a major problem for us. Any lie becomes truth in the minds of idiots, educated or not. They may have the capacity to comprehend information, but once a mind accepts a lie, it is extremely difficult to bring it back to the truth. Cognitive dissonance has consistently proven to be a pain in the ass. So the same as with the jewish holocaust hoax, there is a widespread belief on a massive scale that cloth masks work when they don't. 
> that aspect in detail again
Surgical masks are unable to filter particles between 4/100ths to 20/100ths of a micrometer. Cloth masks filter 30% of airborne particles 50 micrometers and above. Teacloth filters 60% of 10/100ths and above. The common variety cheap, disposable (made in China) masks corporations demand their employees wear filter 3 micrometers and above. Covid-19 particles are between 8/100ths and 14/100ths of a single micrometer. Against these sizes elementary school children could understand, imbeciles in this field have said "but it's carried in saliva". That is true, but also irrelevant. Projected saliva which carries Covid-19 particles is between 6/100ths of a micrometer to 1000 micrometers. N95 masks are designed only to filter incoming particles. This is their one job. They were created for lab conditions. Lastly, your own lungs filter at 2.5 micrometers on average. Unless you gain diminished lung capacity from constantly breathing in your own CO2 for months on end.