thumbnail of 8chan censorship, datamining, Fredrick Brennan and Jim Watkins + Endchan Migration.png
thumbnail of 8chan censorship, datamining, Fredrick Brennan and Jim Watkins + Endchan Migration.png
8chan... png
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thumbnail of Jim Jew.png
thumbnail of Jim Jew.png
Jim Jew png
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thumbnail of 4ch-8ch cabal 2.jpg
thumbnail of 4ch-8ch cabal 2.jpg
4ch-8ch cabal 2 jpg
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I'm making a video about 8chan and the corruption with Yogapig. Like a chronology of what happened to be an example of communities and online spaces being co-opted or subverted. I've collected a lot of information already, but does anyone have important info or events in 8chan's history to include in it? I remember around 2016, 2017, there used to be stickies which were a goldmine of information about 8chan corruption and datamining. So far I have included info on
> Fred and his Jewish buddy Aaron Parnes
> The stolen wallet shoah
> info about the tacit compliance to pedophilia by the mods
> info about Learningcode/rachposter/imkampfy - one of the most autistic shills ever to live
> how Jim stole a website from a cripple
> brief history of Jim's work history with the Army, selling porn in Japan and NT tech
> Bedchan and Sunshine datamining exposés
> necrosis stage (8kun)

Also it could bring users from other websites here.