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> One big problems in our society is that "higher education" today is nothing but a racket
Indeed it is, its just an overpriced lamenting over dulled dead and crippling repeating of kosher ideas and in case of technical ones just an excersising of what you already qualify to know
> and in fact most who go to pay off all their student loans do so by flipping burgers or mopping up tables
Come on anon we know thats not true and they will for 100% sure find better employment with their diplomas and exchange programs and trainings and defenetly wont toil with you side by side in best case scenario without refunds as this defenetly is not sarcastic enough on margo of the university egoistic individums who think they are safe by having the degree and have ensured they will ocuppy an economic slot designated for a certsin amount of people
> The only issue with the trade these days is lots of younger people do not like the hard work or manual labor.
More likely that its not correctly compensated killing a motivation to work which does not help the factors trough labourer goes trough affecting his morale and only staying to be able to feed itself barely and that workplaces outside of comfortable zones of managment are often demonized as time drainers with harsh treatment which yes at least here workers rights are violated in the name of money asap as nobody is looking but i quickly found out that manual labour or work is by no means an shamefull or humiliating thing despite not being satisfied with it or feeling furfilled because of misersble treatment and pay not representing the output  (but thats just a cry of many to be honest) despite uni circles differing and laughing on those below before being thrown there too as how they call it a wagie in cagie or mock anybody who works normally and criticizes the errors in job market and the mistreatment etc as lazy or something or to say just find better job lol argument

> , I do believe at this point joining the trade would be the better option today despite the lower pay and hard labor, at least they won't be having to pay off mass debts for 4+ years of Marxist brainwashing, right?
That might be an option because of your points and mine that you actually pick a practical skill in this zionist occupied world and altrough being messy and sometimes being miserably treated with underpaid wage not representing your productive output having something practical in knowledge despite being an pain to learn it in methods of modern education and not by observation and trial you can at least reflect that you made something and do not have another dept on your neck for fancy letters before your name signalling that you are certified conditioned to think what is kosher man 

Yes someone may point out the idiotic argument then try to find this and that comfortable "priviledged" type of work to not be concerned with misery but thats just a oil in fire as the misery will still be there and it wont fade away from people who are not one of the lucky ones to come out victorious from battle on that one job assigment slot
It will still be there and just by not looking on it wont change that it lives
Then when your kind will reveal publicly what you plan to the amalek aidskike? I bet you will be lynched more brutally than a nigger in africa for something beyond of our perception