thumbnail of Giovanni Gentile.jpg
thumbnail of Giovanni Gentile.jpg
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I should add - a Leftist won't accept the definition no matter how many times you explain it. No matter what Giovanni Gentile, the creator of Fascism, said about it. They're stubbornly retarded. Only THEIR meanings count. Everyone else is wrong even when they're clearly fucking wrong. And they don't just do this about their politics. They pull this shit for everything they ever talk about. Something that didn't happen in Game of Thrones? Fuck you, it happened because the Lefty said so. Something is clearly made for females? Fuck you, it was made for males because the Lefty said so. Always the same with them. This is also the reason they'll never unify. The idiots stubbornly can't agree on even the smallest, most insignificant bullshit. It makes Leftists nothing but obnoxious twats.

Pandering Corporations unfortunately listen to them because they're the loudest minority of voices promoting trash when everyone else doesn't give a fuck.