For decades, Wanderbots has been infected by LittleBitchitis. He thinks that saying the word "lame" is offensive to cripples. I found a different gaming YouTuber that made me laugh out loud multiple times and has some interesting videos: Rocambasco. He isn't afraid of saying funny things, and he reminds me of gamer bros from a ~decade ago. He is kinda a breathe of fresh air compared to crappy YT gamers and lefty YT gamers such as DarkViperAIDS. Some of Rocambasco's video game challenge videos:
https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=q_GG9_pSLUQ - comments working

> "Language" by Porter Robinson
There's a PMV of that. Official video: https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=iD-NBs5kJqI - damn timberwolves.