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Remember, /mlp/ is both "strict" and arbitrary. Though from my experience they have  or at least what I herd from complaining since I often laps in visiting there  been much stricter on NSFW than they already were do to the split into 4channel.

Aren't y'all trying to regroup on antares.oss or has that been shuttered?

> this right here proves that trying to stay in a permanent exile from /mlp/ fails whenever one promises to one self that he is not going to come back because someday, one returns there without thinking about it. Maybe a few are actually committed to their own convictions at not taking part of that place anymore but hey, never say never again.
It depends on what one defines as not taking part. Is mere occasionally lurking count? A shitpost or two? I'd imagine some would have different definitions and not count the occasional peak or keeping taps the same as calling the board home.