Here are the notes on notables promised at the end of LB:

Q Research Notables include
 - breaking news (tweets, articles, vids)
 - relevant events (e.g., POTUS rallies, Congr. hearings)
 - diggs & continuing diggs
 - anon analyses (espec of Q drops or news relevant to drops)
 - anon discussions of relevant topics
 - (sometimes) for KEKS stuff that notably funny

They do not include
 - memes not connected to news or diggs (however memorable)
 - process stuff (tactics, strategies for meme campaigns, etc.)
 - misc remarks by anons
 - poems, songs, etc.
 - buns used for just for threads (PLEASE MARK THESE so we know which lists are for General notables and which are for threads) 

Probably left something out, but that's the gist.

More generally:
Bakers strive to make notable titles as descriptive as possible--titles like "o7" or "Pelosi" aren't descriptive. If you are going to take notes, please take these notes seriously. 
In QR, Notables go out not only to qresear.ch, but to NORMIES all over the internet via wearethene.ws. 
So When notabling something and describing it, please ask yourself: Would i want this out there on the web in its present form?


Baker signing out
see dough post for pastebin