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Ty anon , didn't know this..makes so much sense ! 

"..... For in the religion of the Mystery Schools, they believe that man was held prisoner in the 
Garden of Eden by an unjust and vindictive God, and that man was not told by this unjust and vindictive God that he could 
have the same powers. And man was set free from the bonds of ignorance by Lucifer through his agent, Satan. And many 
believe that the two are the same, and that’s okay, because maybe they are. And that through the gift of intellect man himself
will become God. Now, for those of you who understand what I am imparting to you now, you may not even have to listen any 
farther, for it explains everything that has ever happened in the history of man, and everything that is happening now, and all 
that is to happen in the future....'

William Cooper