90 pound women who look like heroine addicted dykes push beyond my ability to suspend disbelief. Nor does a 5'6" jose average hispanic who looks like he'd be more comfortable in a roll as an attourney or CSI-ButFuckEgypt diversity hire by the studios, but I can get passed it if the rest of the cast works. Linda Hamilton did well in Terminator as Sarah and got RIPPED AND took stunt training for T2. T3 was poor, but the sex appeal of the Terminatrix used a REAL female power.
As the trannies keep showing us, average men on anti-androgens and estrogen run circles around the best female atheletes with ease. But instead of writing female action hero's like Sigourney Weaver of Alien, the 80's Sarah Conner, Laggatha, or even Princess Leia, whose strength and heroism are rooted in their feminity, we are now awash in "heroines" who lack any thing resembling the physical strength or inner strength of the heroic alpha-male. Yet these "heroines" best all male comers in those areas, not because of the actresses performance (because here the performance itself falls flat) but simply because they're written that way. Yes, I know it is just another example of mass-psyop cucking. However, the pure machsimo of the first 2 Terminators is why they are so appealiong. I firmly believe that the comic book genre's automated green lighting has more to do with the cucking psyop than profit. Female super heros's can do anything because..MAGIC.
Rant off.