
According to this information posted the morning of  Sept 11 .      

The Betrayal Papers part 1-6  March 2015

What has happened to the United States under Barack Hussein Obama?

 Anonymous 09/10/2019 (Tue) 20:59:05 [Preview] No.2458 [X]  >>/2459/ >>/2461/ >>/2620/

This video and the other six videos / papers.


OBAMA’S WHITE HOUSE was run by Muslim Brotherhood.  All top positions including intelligence.   Six men and Huma Abeden.   Valerie Jarret was in charge of some MB activities to overthrow the USA.

S.E.S. IS THE SHADOW Government still operating after Trump took office and Trump began to dismantle the shadow gov.  Early Q drops indicated this is a government funded operation, but the President cannot fire anyone.

Remember early on 2017 drops and communications?

Q has told us repeatedly, You are watching a movie.  What makes a good movie, good actors.

Now we see investigations and Congressional questioning that basically yields nonsense.    Mueller does not know who investigated for two years and cost tens of millions of dollars, Wray, McCabe, Comey, look more like characters in a comedy than leaders in high positions of Government.   Obama and Hillary have never looked or sounded like they have a brain.

I surmise, the people we see listed as Obama’s leaders, DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, SECY OF STATE, PRESIDENT  are all acting, while behind the spotlight MB are writing the reports that Mueller present, the script that Hillary used - What difference does it make?

Comeys tweets in the woods and his seemingly unable to find a reason investigate emails drastically inappropriate.

And the Behghazi murder was not in the control of Hillary, Obama, or anyone else we know.  

All these things in the Obama regime were done by the Muslims, who preyed in our White h
House and used one of the rooms for praying to a

We are watching a movie and the actors are acting to save their lives from the terrorists that own them.   If they have flipped then l think they must be careful to not let the MB know.   

If they look really stupid on debating on stage for a shot at the next President, could it be they need secret service to protect them while they are turning states evidence?   

Could Barry have been an unwilling puppet and turned states evidence?   

I think if you add this one cornerstone to the info, it paints a full picture we did not have til this week.

S.E.S.   Symbol / Logo is shaped like a cornerstone.   

Each of these MB members are profiled in the Betrayal Report:

Wally Sharby
Eboo Patel
Mohammad Ellbiry
Rashad Hussein
Salem Al-Mayriad
Iman Mohamad Magid

I am sorry the screen shots from the videos are blurry and l cannot get the pictures to upload.