- back temporarily then irl for a few hours
- not sure what you mean by "adding links" to pb notables, maybe explain more (i'll look for in next bread)
- yes, shifting to 8chan format for notables would be best solution for many things, but would also mean BO allowing bakers to be primary mgrs of the dough. Woould also taking much material now in dough and putting in elsewhere (e.g., special thread he could manage). This way, you have a dough that is stable (only minor changes are made) and which can therefore be watched over by all anons, including BO and bakers, to make sure it stays pristine.
This works well in QR (the more anons on the board, the better).
Below are some additional ideas to make sure there's input on notes.

Ways to facilitate making corrections on the notes

1. stay current and post during the bread, asking anons for feedback (that's how an error in the current dough was caught:  >>/30555/)

the problem there is lack of bakers
or note-takers who at least come close to creating notes that look like baker notes (with pretty good descriptions)

But this bred illustrates how it works. Requires more bakers, obviously.

2. Ask anons for feedback about missed notables. If certain notables are "iffy," ask for feedback there too. This only works if you post several times and include a "last" post in the 650+ before the final post. Takes anons time to check notes.

3. Includes notes in dough (see above) Allows anons to quickly access notes from at least a dozen previous breads and bakers to correct notes, as well

Gotta go now, will check in later!!