1>Mary was preceded in dea>th by her parents Guiseppe and Luigia Podesta

May r w(ho) (h)as (p)re-ceded in dea> th(o) b(u)y her par en(d) t(hi)s Gui[M]s [O]r1(ha)epp(y)and>[O]r2(epstein(is)land)[O]r3 La uig[I]guy iPod est (aa)


some necessary explanations, of a literary type: it is rather known that literature is nothing but a way of "talking about something else", so at least H.Melville claimed, followed and preceded in this by Hawthorne and Balzac. Discursive thought is condemned to proceed by opposition: it thus projects a system (grid) of antithesis onto reality. Between the opposites we distinguish three types: 

1-The opposites, which stand at the extremes of the same kind of things, like the two propositions "everything is true" - "everything is false". Their main characteristic is that they deny each other, and that they can both be false (given avarice and prodigality there are those who do not fall into either of them). 

2- The subcontrary, are attenuated opposites, as in the parsimonious / generous antithesis, with respect to prodigal / miser. Subcontrary can meet halfway: those who spend the right touch thrift on one side and generosity on the other. 

3-The contradictors instead impose an "aut aut": if one is true the other is false and vice versa. 

Incidentally, the famous garden belongs to no one except to the Lord; the trees contained therein are 9, but man can only know 7 of them, in fact two are buried in a sturdy jar, they always bloom and no one can see them or know anything : in fact they do not exist. On the lintel that leads to the entrance of the Garden, an engraving warns "Diameter Spherae, Thau Circuli, Crux orbis, non orbis prosunt" (the diameter of the sphere, the tau of the circle and the cross of the orbit do not help the blind).

A finely engraved slab instead shows the following instructions:

1-There are different types of trees: there are choices, stories, and so on

2-Every tree has its operators in general 7

[O]r> r indicates the principle of reality adopted: for example for a Christian, worth Agostino "is he really certain to doubt?", while for a Hebrew the man will live in rationality if he applies to the study of the sacred scriptures, in the Islam the reality principle is based on the words of the Prophet.

[M] a marking operator indicating Mispelling

[I] an operator indicating the reversal of one or more letters

3-So we have 49 op(51-100) wich means swiftly and lightly

scope is considerable: among other things it is possible to understand the intimate meaning of a text (ie the intent), to understand the direction of things, without falling into the freak divination.

NOTE: t=(3)> [n]rn > [ ]= >rn > FREEDOM!? 

Athanasius Kircher - Musurgia universalis, sive ars magna consoni et dissoni 

Umberto Eco - Mouse or Rat? Translation as Negotiation

Vladimir Propp - Morphologie du conte

Robert Eisler - Man into Wolf
