We're around, all right, but in different places. Praying Medic welcomed anons to Twatter a coupla weeks ago. Nice, but as one anon put it, "As soon as 8 chan is back--I'm outta here!!" Introverts don't like Tweety cocktail party atmosphere.....

Decided I needed a project I can do on my own until 8chan's up. Started creating a hard-copy "redpill binder," which has best of the best stuff with short articles, lists, easy-to-digest info in pics. Will be ready for my lib frens when they finally get so shocked that they want to know the truth. Good as a review, too, for all those half-done digs....

Another version of "the true meaning of TITS OR GTFO"? I like this one better, hahaha.....
Did check out halfchan but was never there b4, was never home to me. Don't like being called a Qtard much....

Didn't hear a boom but not sure.

Was trying to see how baker knows where he is in the bred, I guess by subtracting 3023 from 3433 = 410 posts so far. Should work ok as long as bred is s l o w. Good opportunity to learn to bake....I assume thread creation process is the same.