Repost from voat.co/v/qrv


ℕ𝔼𝕆ℕ ℝ𝔼𝕍𝕆𝕃𝕋Verified Account@NeonRevolt

Continuing on #8chanWatch:

They added another port between the time I scanned them last night, and just now:

Port 22.

That's the standard SSH port, meaning the admins can now securely tunnel into the site and configure whatever they need to configure on the servers remotely, via a secure command line.

8ch runs on FreeBSD, which is a very secure and stable Unix-like system, and this is an important subsystem literally every sysadmin uses all the time.

Codemonkey is working hard!

(Kinda surprised he's not using CentOS or something tho, but eh, FreeBSD is absolutely great for this kind of thing, too).
