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the game that is not a game
how to play
what to do
how to know win from lost
how to know next move
coincidence = LIGHT
the game board is dark by their design
the Board is great and full of fearless Anons
divided the black absorbs us
United out LIGHT is bright
they))) don't want OUR bright light to show their))) moves
WE don't want their darkness any longer
GOOD vs evil
when you doubt, look to POTUS fist pumps
when you get lost, go back #2 ]Q[map
when you get scared, Faith
be careful predictions, rumors, lying shills
make the game easy for yourself and Newbies
if you can't play and i can't play, who will carry on?
if you and i play and moar join, how much easier is the WIN
use logic; think for yourself
spread like fire that doesn't burn but informs
if the News doesn't get out, who knows the News
if the News gets out, how will People Vote
when is the end of this part of the game?
when does the next part start?
If we don't keep the Senate, what...
If we don't take the House, what...
If we don't re-Elect POTUS, what...
who has the power, you?
who can influence the power in a healthy and organic way, you?
much to learn, you still have, imo
but a long way we have come and i am proud and honored to be part