We the People should file a class action lawsuit.
Cause: The United States Government has consistently encroached upon the Bill of Rights.
Read the Preamble to the constitution.
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, (NOTICE THIS LINE) and SECURE the Blessings of Liberty to OURSELVES and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Secured our rights BEFORE the actual formation of the government.
Thus, those rights are SECURED by We the People, and the United States government has no access to change those rights, only We the People can change that, and nobody from the government institutions declared a vote by We the People to change any of the Bill of Rights, therefore, they have reneged on the contract between We the People, and the organization that We the People created.
Those rights were SECURED according to the very document the US government is based upon, BEFORE the formation of the government, and being SECURED, they have no authority to change ANY of the first 10 listed in the constitution.
Yet they have impeded our rights to travel, by forcing us to have our 'PAPERS', to purchase weapons, by making you wait for some assholes approval BEFORE you actually get the weapon, and FREEDOM! of speech, by ALLOWING companies to remain in business that are actually censoring speech.
It doesn't matter what YOUR personal feelings towards ANY of these matters are, they still legislated them down to where they are no longer SECURED FREEDOM!S as mentioned in the Preamble of the US Constitution. They threw our SECURED rights out the door without even asking We the People to vote on such measures that they just forced down our throats.