If POTUS were listening, I'd be sure to tell him about the benefits of farming hemp(the type that doesn't get you high) and ask why the US gov is still paying farmers to grow corn instead of hemp. 
It's more resilient, less susceptible to disease, higher yields, most US climates get 2 crops a season, naturally pest-resistant, grows so voraciously it chokes out weeds so use no herbicides like roundup, uses less water, actually absorbs toxins from the soil and leaves the land better off than it was before planting, the benefits are many.
It also can be used in so many ways. The seeds are very beneficial for health, can make plastic from the oil, makes great rope, hemp clothes are more comfortable and stronger the more you wear/wash them, great for cosmetics, can be used to feed livestock(which makes their milk/eggs/meat better for people) and on and on the uses go.
An American hemp renaissance would have a tremendous effect on our economy, and would go a long way towards re-vitalizing many small farm towns and could even spur industry.