>>/5759/,  >>/5741/,  >>/5721/,  >>/5732/
RE Congress & dual citizenship (Israeli and otherwise)
Does an accurate list exist that includes all Congressmen who hold dual US-Israeli citizenship? Maybe not, but here is a little moar info:

Discussion of inaccuracy of the "89%" figure in "blog" article:

Here's an article from almost exactly a year ago (9-23-18) pointing out that the "blog" article only lists Dems. Also adds in some other politicians to the list:

Another article with excerpt:
"Are there any members of Congress who are dual citizens of the U.S. and another country? Possibly. In 2014, Senator Ted Cruz and then Representative Michelle Bachman attracted wide press coverage when they renounced their Canadian and Swiss nationalities respectively. Yet there is nothing in the public record that discloses the foreign citizenship of House and Senate members. Nor is there any legal requirement for members to make such a disclosure"....