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> initial reason
I see now :)
I think sometimes we are a bit dense (definitely I am), and I remember several times Q getting really irritated that we were looking right at what they wanted us to see and either going off on some minutae (thinking too hard, looking too zoomed in) or were looking too big-picture/obscure and not paying attention to the detail(s) that would make all the difference.

> here to decode
Well, we have had several rounds or methods of decoding, all the way back to cuckchan - remember pic related? It seemed to work somewhat. Then we have the clockfag method which I must admit makes my eyes glaze over - not that it is invalid, I just don't actually "get it". Then there is the multi-definition of keyword & associated concepts decode method. In looking/thinking back, it seems to me that the most successful instant decode/understanding of Q's posts on 8ch used this sort of allegorical-thinking method, though unconsciously (or perfectly naturally, without trying to specifically). Those were the bursts of insight by individual anons who just glommed onto the concept, and the different definitions of the word/associated meanings & applications. Q was impressed, and I think that is what kept them coming back, however, that method is not typically in use - we have a 'skeleton crew' right now.

People have different skillsets, level of attention, knowledge base, and we are not focused, not pooling our resources (knowledge & skills) towards anything in particular. This contributes to a "lost and aimless" feeling & atmosphere, and not much being accomplished.
> Create graphics to educate and calm the public during and after the Storm.

Have we (individually) re-read? How about re_read?
What is the difference? There must be some difference as it was typed 2 ways repeatedly. Have we figured out why?
Look at what a supportive person (FireWatch bro) had to say - look at the trail of thought, the details being called into view, the method of decode - what was successful and what was not. What can we learn from that? How can we apply it now?

This same decode-prompt method was used later, not long before 8ch was taken offline. Those intrepid anons who want to read & learn will. Hopefully we can start working on some more of these sticky questions or baffling parts in Q posts so we can fulfill our tasking and make Q+ proud.

> problems posting
I get flood detected sometimes and have only hit new reply 1x, so I don't know. It is clear that any single-point site is highly vulnerable to fuckery, so who knows if it is a ghost in the machine or external-induced.