 >>/7169/ Build it and Q will come?
 >>/7180/ FAKE NEWS -Biden Ukraine fired prosecutor
 >>/7189/ Firing Solution: 15min Spot Call to meme twatter
 >>/7282/ Dash v Minus? -Q Code Training
 >>/7387/ Notables may be Anons' greatest gift (we requested excalibur comms confirm, no? -pic related)
 >>/7390/ Night Shift keeps People up at night.jpg
 >>/7396/ Call to Meme - Biden/Ukraine timeline map = MOAB
 >>/7398/ World of time between new and old. (OG qanon research flag.jpg???)
 >>/7498/ When do birds sing?
Baker collected Notables
 >>/7176/ Time Travel website won't pull up everything, but it's pretty damn handy nonetheless
 >>/7179/ Caesarian shift
 >>/7190/ Somalia to Minneapolis
 >>/7197/ Anon ask 'Is the Wayback Machine comp'd?'
 >>/7201/,  >>/7186/ Plane related
 >>/7207/,  >>/7287/,  >>/7345/,  >>/7351/,  >>/7354/ Ezra Cohen-Watnick, an ex intern for Joe Biden; is he the "whistleblower"?
 >>/7287/ Ezra '...while others at the time seemed to think he was a really good guy...'
 >>/7290/ FBI, IRS Continue Raids By Targeting 3 Village Offices In Cook County
 >>/7296/,  >>/7294/  >>/7292/ Trump twts
 >>/7300/ Autist replies
 >>/7316/ We each have different skillsets, knowledge and abilities (and time we can dedicate), so all must be respected for whatever we contribute
 >>/7319/ Do not be a low hanging fruit (Final and Only Warning)
 >>/7324/  >>/7305/ JohnHereToHelp Interview re Seth Rich
 >>/7336/ 'On 8chan, i bake every day. It's challenging.' TY Baker
 >>/7351/ Sundance thinks "whistleblower" may be Michael Barry
 >>/7354/  >>/7345/ How and why Ezra Cohen-Watnick is the whistleblower
 >>/7357/ Think 2/3rd Senate vote req to impeach [impossible]
 >>/7360/  >>/7363/ anons on "anonymity"
 >>/7363/ This anon knew Isaac Kappy
 >>/7372/,  >>/7365/,  >>/7349/,  >>/7361/,  >>/7372/,  >>/7361/,  >>/7374/,  >>/7433/ Thoughtz on ego
 >>/7383/ Red pill Larry Sanger
 >>/7386/ Fertile ground for redpilling people
 >>/7391/,  >>/7400/ Buzzfeed is trying to discredit the Crowdstrike story by saying it started with 4chan & Q
 >>/7399/ Anon asks for Truth of HRC/Trump pic (not true)
 >>/7416/,  >>/7579/ WB will pull a page if site owner requests it