thumbnail of post volume Q-End sept 2019.png
thumbnail of post volume Q-End sept 2019.png
post volume Q-End... png
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Re post volume/bred speed on Q-End and when it's busy:

I came here around 2 weeks ago when there were around 40-something anons around at a time (average) and breds took about three and a half days for one bred. So so maybe 85 hours at that time (mid-Sept 2019)?

In the last few days, anon volume increased to around 53-63. Breds got faster; several were baked after about 48 hours. But the last bred took only 36. 

Seems like there are quite a few people on in the evening, night shift is pretty active; drops to almost nothing during graveyard; days seem strong but not sure how it compares to the evenings (I'm here more at night).

To compare with the 2 Q boards on 8chan:
Breds on QResearch take about 45-90 minutes (4 hours during graveyard); when Q posts, breds are 21-30 minutes. Breds on QResearch Bunker (QRB) take 15-24 hours.