>>/8843/,  >>/8750/

Breads, boards, bakes & bakers
 >>/7312/,  >>/7586/,  >>/7765/  How to generate a tripcode
 >>/7316/,  >>/7319/ BO introduces himself (call me "Citizen")
 >>/7583/,  >>/7649/,  >>/7691/,  >>/7694/,  >>/7735/ Bakers & board; working out the kinks
 >>/7696/ New baker arrives ("now we have 3")
 >>/7698/ Baking video from QResearch
 >>/7715/ Baking tips from BO "Citizen"
 >>/7816/,  >>/7817/ Baker rh answers q's; how to format dough post
 >>/7825/ Difs betw QR & Q-END baking
 >>/7826/ Overview of baking process from QR (will update for Q-END)
 >>/7827/ Baking instructions for QR/QRB (will update for Q-END)
 >>/7828/ Iwo Jima image for breds from QR
 >>/7919/ Baker rh on formatting notables in long breds
 >>/7924/ BO on baker tripcodes & note-taker designations
 >>/7900/ Fresh Bread link example
 >>/7921/ How fast are breds on 08ZeroNet?
 >>/7919/,  >>/7926/ Baker rh: on organizing notes, ghost bakes, baker changes; anon responds  
 >>/8662/ New baker re timing of bake
 >>/8677/ BO/baker replies
 >>/8848/ When Q posts, anything can happen
 >>/8840/ QResearch Welcome Page

Thinking about putting this in a thread, can be added to over time....
BO, added QR Welcome Page, anon requested it, thought it was relevant & you might want to have a copy if you don't already