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> moving the goalposts because can't win fairly
The fact that so many polls came out all on the same platform, with almost the same verbiage indicates several things:
1 attempt to publicly vindicate the 'polls' that they tout in writing
2 attempt to tap into various usergroups, by way of who is posting the polls
i.e., Rosie polls will have different initial views by liberals, as opposed to a Breitbart poll (Breitbart readsrs)
3 attempt to track the 'flow' of info a) about polls, b) who is most effective at getting the most Patriots to participate in those polls they would otherwise not see and c) our own role in this (yes, even humble endchan is monitored)
4 typical testing effectiveness of mockingbirds' narrative push
That's actually a big part of the hashtags/trending data analysis (across platforms), and how they formulate their 4am talking points

> He deleted the poll. 
> 21 hours left to go
quit while he was ahead
> I didn't want to win anyway, so there!

He should be taunted with screenshots of his now-deleted poll and a reminder: NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT'S COMING. NOTHING!