thumbnail of qanon neighbor.jpg
thumbnail of qanon neighbor.jpg
qanon neighbor jpg
(44.02 KB, 950x1279)
Baker #wC2utB here;
am back earlier than expected with spoopyness
anon was leaving to hang with frens irl
anon has not left house in few days
get to vehicle 
attempt insert ignition key
ignition tumbler punched out
tumbler pieces all over floorboard
anon lives in small secluded neighborhood
off side road
not a through street
few neighbors
non-native contractors doing work at neighbor
other neighbor tells anon contractors 'eye fucking' anons truck
likelihood random carjackers would case this neighborhood = astronomically low
likelihood of neighbors at fault = 0
called local PD
dispatch took infos
officer will call back so can file report

anon wont let ruin evening
bright side = carjackers were literally newfags and fizzled out bigley with nothing on the board 
still have truck
am mechanic and machinist -can fix anything

double plus ++ bright side?
anon has qanons in the neighborhood(pic related)
will spark convo when see next
will share bunker with neighborAnon
if not here already -kek

now that anon has had adrenaline release with no resulting fight or flight to 'burn off' the hormones, likely not sleeping anytime soon, so...

Baker On Duty?

will finish notes

> BO
can you explain how I should handle the empty dough link at the bottom of the pastebin when that happens, if you are not here to provide the one that should be used?

thank you for everything bakes/anons
the opportunity 
the guidance
the support and comfy words
the bebes -kek

