
We'll see how the ESG bailouts go, do not think for a second America is still a free market capitalist country, we officially lost that economic status when the corrupt insolvent "too big to fail" banks were bailed out back in 2008. Sadly I expect similar bailouts for these corporations, courtesy of the US taxpayer. That's why they are so brazen about this, they don't care about pleasing consumers anymore because in communist nations consumers do not have a say, only the governments and oligarchy get to decide what services/products are made available and to whom.

I'll say this again to all the normies, do not back down, keep up the boycotts, but at the end of the day you better be prepping for the future and take advantage of what you can get for now, get everything you need now before these communists implode the rigged economy. Once the economy implodes they'll have full control over which corporations get ESG bailouts, and those that will not. In the near future there may be no alternatives to drinking a Bud Light or shopping at the nearest Target store. They're communist monopolists, not free market capitalists.