The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children by Way of Vaccines

For many years doctors have received bonuses for subjecting their patients to drugs that are known to be dangerous. Insurance companies are paying doctors to fully vaccinate young children; the Blue Cross Blue Shield doctor incentives booklet reveals its incentive payment program for doctors: every patient under the age of two that receives the currently prescribed 24 inoculations is worth a $400 payout to that doctor. Blue Cross Blue Shield rules say that a doctor needs to vaccinate 63% of their patients in order to qualify.
The average American pediatrician has about 1,500 patients and would need 945 of them fully vaccinated in order to get paid. At $40,000 for every hundred, this works out to $360,000 dollars. This is why most pediatricians won’t provide care for families who don’t completely submit to the latest childhood vaccine schedule protocol.
