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Q Clock Nov 23, 2023: Evergreen and... 9/11 & Freemasons??

anon hasn't clocked much since DI30CF days. surprised where this led, was expecting Hillbags as codename EVERGREEN.

- Q3856 clocks on today's MIN: 17

- Timestamp delta between today's DJT Jr Evergreen tweet (ref'ing DJT 2013 tweet) & Q3856 is :33 min. anon starts thinking Freemasons

- Freemasons have this thing for Acacia wood (an evergreen). Hiram Abiff legend. Symbol for immortality of the soul. Biblefags know it relates to the Temple, Arc of the Covenant, Sacred Tabernacle.

- Freemason pillars Boaz & Jachin trace back to pillars of the Temple. Thought to also have been symbolized in Twin Towers.

- Date delta between DJT Jr's tweet today and DJT's 2013 tweet is: 9yrs 11mo 27days or 119mo 27 days. 9/11 & MIRROR 9/11 symbolism. 27=3^3. moar Freemason 33 numerology stuff?

- :33 is on today's Clock as the :25/:55 mirror. anon considers :25/:55 to be THE STORM axis of the Clock 

- last thought:

anon still can't post at QR Gen main or Clockwork Qrange. looking for a fren to crosspost, grateful