Petitions - Withdrawal from Pandemic Treaty, WHO & UN & Other

Both negotiations are focused on dissolving national sovereignty and replacing it with a global medical and financial dictatorship, which would take away Canada's sovereign authority and We, the People, would lose our unalienable right to privacy regarding our health and medical choices.

Canada *Exit Pandemic Treaty and WHO (goes to 428 people in parliament) 

Petition -

From site -

Various Countries - Select Country at the top, so you sign the petition for your country

Canada – goes to Leslie Norton (Canadian Ambassador) she is a member of the WHO though

Withdrawal from UN – by Leslyn Lewis (50,000 signatures so far) – this is the Parliament of Canada website

Trudeau Removal - We urge you to voice your concerns directly to Her Excellency Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada

Remove Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Gov. from Power