
PART I: Ten things everyone needs to know about the World Health Organization’s proposed “Pandemic Treaty.”

1. Dramatically Expand the Role of the WHO
The proposed “Pandemic Treaty” is the World Health Organization’s attempt to convince the 194 member nations to agree to hand over their national sovereignty to the WHO via a legally binding framework convention that would hand over enormous additional, legally-binding authority to the WHO.
The WHO has published a 32 page document that they refer to as the “Conceptual Zero Draft” and on pages 10, 13 and 22 the WHO makes it very clear that the purpose of the document is to recognize the central role of the WHO in the prevention, preparedness, response and recovery from future pandemics. They want to be the directing and coordinating authority on global health and global governance over all health systems.
Clearly, the actions of the WHO point to the fact that they are not focused upon the health of people. Instead, they are focused on funneling billions of dollars into building health systems. Their true purpose is to help finance and build the Pharmaceutical, Hospital, Emergency Industrial Complex (PHEIC) by redirecting funds via crony capitalism to corporations that profit from the declarations of Public Health Emergencies of International Concern and the fear-mongering that naturally follows such emergency declarations.

2. Creating an Entirely New Bureaucracy (COP)
In order to facilitate the growth of the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex (PHEIC), the WHO would create an entirely new bureaucracy as defined in Article 19 of the Conceptual Zero Draft of the proposed “Pandemic Treaty.” It would create a governing body that is made up of a Conference of the Parties (COP), much like the system that has governed the discussion over climate change. Only nations that sign and adopt the treaty would become members of the Conference of the Parties. They would be directed by the Officers of the Parties which would include two presidents and four vice-presidents. There would also be an Enlarged Conference of the Parties (E-COP) that would include “relevant stakeholders” such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations and others, so long as they were approved by a 2/3 majority of the Conference of the Parties.

3. The WHO Is Seeking Tens of Billions of Dollars
This already enormous bureaucracy seeks to have a yearly budget that is many times as big as the current entire budget of the WHO. While the Conference of the Parties associated with the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” would be connected to the WHO, it would also act independently from it.
Article 18 of the Conceptual Zero Draft of the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” discusses the desire for sustainable and predictable financing. They seek collaboration between the health, finance and private sectors and they also want to establish new international mechanisms in order to ensure a stable source of financing on global, regional and national levels.
One of the things that is absolutely lacking in the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” is any discussion whatsoever of the means by which decisions would be made regarding how all of these billions of dollars would be spent. It would essentially set up an enormous candy store through which the bureaucrats of the WHO would control the means of production in the Pharmaceutical, Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex.