LOL Ya Panic in the Air
New Canadian gov’t elections site claims to monitor what it considers ‘false,’ ‘misleading’ content

 'ElectoFacts' is an attempt by Elections Canada to point out 'misconceptions.'

Elections Canada, the agency in charge of the national elections that is legally mandated to be non-partisan, launched a new website it claims is geared to fight election misinformation and disinformation that it says has grown with the rise of “social media” use.

Called “ElectoFacts,” the website came online on January 9 and contains information said to be factual in an effort Elections Canada says is to clear up so-called “misconceptions” regarding Canada’s process.

According to Elections Canada, “ElectoFacts” is a “resource that Canadian electors can use to easily check whether the information they come across about Canada’s federal electoral process is true or not. ElectoFacts also offers information on how federal elections are run and the safeguards in place to protect them.”