Can’t Make This Up: Emergency Slide Falls Off Boeing Plane, Discovered Outside Home of Lawyer Whose Firm Is Suing Boeing

An emergency slide that fell off a Boeing 767 passenger aircraft shortly after taking flight last week was discovered two days later outside the home of a lawyer whose firm is currently suing Boeing over manufacturing safety issues.

Attorney Jake Bissell-Linsk, whose firm is currently suing Boeing due to one of its planes losing a door plug during a flight in January, discovered the emergency slide from Delta Airlines Flight 520 washed ashore on some rocks outside his oceanfront home in New York City.

In a statement to the New York Post, Bissel-Linsk shared, “I didn’t want to touch it, but I got close enough to get a close look at it.”

Shortly after Bissell-Linsk made the discovery, a crew of Delta workers were called out to remove the emergency slide from the rocks.