Had some technical difficulties. Got this thread stickied.
Current rules posted from another thread:
1. Thou shalt not identify yourself as female
2. Thou shalt not identify yourself as an non-existant gender (including traps)
3. Thou shalt not try and seduce other male posters
4. Thou shalt not covet the normie life
5. Thou shalt not covet the normie job
6. Thou shalt indeed covet the normie sex, and be thirsty for as long as you live
7. Thou shalt honor thy dubs and thy trips, that they may be plentiful
8. Thou shalt not use stale memes
9. Thou shalt not force shitty memes
10. Thou shalt never leave and thy ride shall be unending
11. Thou shalt not discuss political topics; use thy favorite /pol/ instead
12. Thou shalt not post pictures of yourself; go to /soc/ instead