I strive towards my full potential. The greatest heights that might be attainable in existence. 
And understanding the mechanics of the universe so I can wield all of it's knowledge and power.

> And how do you maintain any motivation or desire without a personality
Now this is a real tricky part. We have our "core" personality. Which knows exactly what it needs to do. But we have to shave off everything else or our progress is slow. 

Also about motivation and desire... Well I either progress on the path or... I can live my life in this mundane hellhole with 0 wonders. There is nothing in the modern world that even worth living or fighting for. As I progress on the path I constantly realize how true it is. And no I don't want to go to "Nirvana" to watch the "paint dry" (it's an extreme bliss but boring). I want to realize my full power to see the full extent of what is "possible".