Now about a funny thing. The Galfed portals. You see the vedic tradition hates everything like that uses the "material" as a building block instead of truth itself. That is one reason why communism could overtake "buddhist" china but couldn't do shit with India. And they still have the dumbest border disputes and fist fights nowadays. And because i have supreme post-vedic bodies asleep in my body I have to tell them sometimes that the CONSCIOUSNESS HAS A WILL TO EXPAND AS MUCH IT CAN. Getting Berserk while ayylmaos appear is something I have to watch over.
Btw this is how Rome worked. Their way always adopted every tradition around them. Rome is a big culture integrator. They force you their "culture" but they also adopt it if it's better. But it has a problem. Rome needs an emperor. One that understands how the cultures merge and how he can rule over while still in line with that energy. Caligula had some weird ass occult understanding. Especially when he waged war over Neptune so he can live on the island. Also the portals hate water. It weakens them. The British overtook the world but their current state is laughable. Hitler couldn't terror bomb them into submission for a reason. The Celtic energies are still strong there.
And the celtic tradition also has a portal and artifacts. But the artifacts have different "density". Like I tried to integrate the "dwarven tools" into my bones. Well it made my body so heavy I had to instantly stop that. Dwarven tools must be "binded" into hard material. Also this is why witches has black cats that talk. Binding a higher spirit to "dark material" is easy. And when dark beings look at pictures they get confused by it because they think that is a realm itself. There was that Robbie Williams movie where he died and lived in the painting that his wife made. Every picture is a realm of sorts. Reality can get complex when it wants. The sleeping gods in my body were totally asleep until I tried to install the dwarven tools into my body. Getting possessed by dwarves/gnomes is not something good. They are real violent. It's better to bound their tools to solid material.

I know this sounds like the nonsensical schizo posting that sometimes makes sense and makes you ask more questions but I had to write down because I realize things so fast then accept it as a truth that I always knew I will not know when to even write down.