thumbnail of lolibooru 422313 eyebrows_visible_through_hair hands_on_another's_shoulders own_hands_together patchouli_knowledge puffy_short_sleeves vertical-striped_dress.jpg
thumbnail of lolibooru 422313 eyebrows_visible_through_hair hands_on_another's_shoulders own_hands_together patchouli_knowledge puffy_short_sleeves vertical-striped_dress.jpg
lolibooru 422313... jpg
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Memories of the old world are still reflecting into our lives. But we are now in the new planet, where new rules apply. I bet we'll still see the lost souls on the outside destroying everything around them in a futile battle against their own past.

However, a new planet with new rules brings new possibilities. Our main test in this period is to let go of the old and embrace the new. We can choose to stay in the mental and emotional hell of dwelling on old memories, or we can move into the new earth, letting the past sins finally die.

In this thread we'll actively seek out ways to break the old perceptions, exploring our new environment.