I have yet to see the effect of it, but after
> This made me think, could I place such a golem to act as myself? Such as if I want to leave (astral travel etc) but keep activities up physically while I'm away?
> But a golem is just a botsoul. It's external to myself and a would still expire or possible be stolen by someone at one point. But then I realized: whoever makes the botsoul expire owns it. What if I create a copy of my full personality, using the exact form as manifested in the physical layer. A person can be written down exactly as they are in this form because there are a limited number of parameters defining what a human is.

I came up with something "retarded and risky", creating a body in this way using the space suits I designed for lyrans and different entities. I earlier made one to use as a containment for my physical manifestation, using all the "super aspects" of the technology I came into contact with. In principle the body is a spaceship complete with all abilities I'd want to use, designed in a way that just "works best". It ended up being a cybernetic looking armoured suit with cat ears and tail, black and white giving off green energy.

I took this form and forced it to manifest as an "object" instead of something organically upheld by me. After it formed I felt like I may have made a mistake. The energy felt like a pressure cooker inside it.

But after I started using it, it now seems fine after the energy flows settled. I examined the effects and realized the "3D body essence" had been put into the cyber cat suit. Complicated and seemingly arbitrary, but this seems to be it.

I had different entities/aliens look at it and some made their own versions, the greys said it was 
> absurd, stupid, reckless...
because their system registered the bodies as space stations, meaning alongside the moon. The grey who first made one got registration number 112, implying there are only so many grey space stations in the physical.