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aw yeah

> It was an interesting task to try this. If you think this was "too fast", consider that constructing something is not hard, it's the lack of design ideas that provide obstacles with these things.
I see it did seem fast, I had also the idea of a gantz like suit with the helmet from Daft Punk (pic related). After posting the pics I was worried that the helmet I chose didn't have a good field of vision, so that's where this other idea came from.

> If they don't have AI driven combat system you automatically win.) Teleportation and levitation are also included as well as fast travel in real time.
> Specific for this suit is that the palms serve as enhancement for your corresponding aku/qi points so instead of a raygun you can fire from your palms directly. There's also a generic combat knife included which can be materialized at will.
That's some amazing stuff, Thanks a lot!!! 
Do all suits have these abilities? (aside from shooting from the palm)

I wonder where each detail from it came from...spike hair and the two "tails" in blue cloth seem to be from Virgil's design maybe the knife is also from there.

Does this fit the average human?