> I wonder where each detail from it came from...spike hair and the two "tails" in blue cloth seem to be from Virgil's design maybe the knife is also from there.
I took the spike hair from Virgil but in trying to make it broader conceptually I got associations with Dragonball character designs. Same for the two tails. I based it off the functionality of my white/black/green lyran suit so it had to have similar decorations (hair instead of cat ears and cloth tails instead of cat tail with ribbon and skirt). My suit just has access to the entire artifact library as well as all types of weapons on the net, but I figured this one should be more novice friendly so I added the raygun from palms and knife manifest ability directly on the suit instead. It's also more tuned to look male as standard (but can switch to female) while the catsuit is female looking but can switch to male. It's not that it matters much but there are minor design elements effected by this, as well as how it feels to wear it. The focus is a little more on the forcefield as well as the ability to stand your ground and fight, compared to the cat version which is set to auto evade and use teleportation to escape if attacked. Evading requires deeper AI and the library, while shared over the net, has to install locally so it won't work well if you're not familiar with the system.

> Does this fit the average human?
Probably not, this is custom made.

Do try to use it and post your experiences with it so I can learn from this and improve in the future.