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This is an attempt to elaborate the problem mentioned in post above.

Basically it's the issue created by spreading "jesuism" in an open society. It will take on the form of projecting the jesuit effect mindwave. This will seem to work when only men do it: they will develop spiritually up to the edge of 4D until they are 30-40 years old, then return down to 3D and get married. Meanwhile, the women who ignore this process will be fine and nothing happens. 

But over time some will mirror the male process in reverse. They will relate the spiritual journey with masculinity, and then interpret femininity as a journey in the flesh. They will do like women today and engage in all kinds of degenerate behavior, going down to 2D. Then they come back up again and meet the spiritually matured man. We see this in a clear form with "betas" and incels who complain about how they spent their 20s getting educated and making money, while women were fucking around and then expect to marry them with no effort of their own.

Some women will go along with the spiritual journey but when they get back "down" to 3D they are too old to get married. They will then get disillusioned and reverse the formation, turning to 2D, hell, and becoming degenerates. They will create feminism and push for "rights for women" because they were unable to have children and get married.

This is what happened in the ancient past, after the original jesuits spread their methods on earth, same as it has happened today. They solved this by creating a sigil which forces women to follow the degenerative process at a young age, then marry an older man before they turn unsalvageable. This relies on women being completely subordinate to men, and on there being an age gap with the man being older and the women very young.

This is the heart shaped formation and it is what we call "humanity". It is a forced patriarchy.

However, this is too unbalanced, the entire world cannot be a patriarchy, so during the period called Babylon, humans lead by vampires rebelled against the Jesuit Order and created a matriarchy. They overran the "humanity" sigil using alien technology, today called 5G (because it was done in period 5 of human history).