So higher boddhisatva is red. When I did my ritual I ended up in a paradise which turned out to be a space ship and there was a well I could call that look a bodhisattva who used a giant computer terminal there while eating red apples constantly. I asked him why he is eating apples constantly and told me
> don't look for a meaning in everything you see
While I wanted to take that advice seriously he ate constantly emerging apples so much he almost suffocated. (There was a glass tube there that I could use to channel the higher energies further and the more I used the more amount of apples appeared.) Then I told him that those apples are the thing that "maintains our connection" 
After that I ended up in an another paradise and a giant female multi armed goddess appeared. She is the one watching over me currently.

And brown is between 2D and 1D. I traded away a bunch of brown harmful materia which was infused with the rainbow color. I interpreted brown as the "sin"/low level desire color. I got gold in return of that brown materia and built it into my gold colored looking soul. Then the Buddha told me that gold holds me down and I should throw it into the abyss... Then as the abyss ate it bright white and green lights came back from it and entered my chest.

What does the "grey" color represent here? I didn't meet that color outside with the grey interactions. Spaceships are greyish tho.

How do you even able to perceive these maps I always wonder on my journey.