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I'm glad we are smoking similar mindwaves. Because holy shit today was something again. Where the 3rd eye has 2 petals and now i know why.

As I opened up 10+layers in my heart because I was so full of energy I knew I could do it. I had hard time sleeping because I well...I "invaded" an other layer and a body there. The dream was so lucid I didn't notice that is not my own body so I thought I am being possessed. i could only open my left eye and not the right. I thought I was being overtaken. It was the opposite. I was overtaking a body on an other layer. Then as I came back to my original body realizing I'm not being possessed but I'm possessing... I laid down my fear and went back to sleep. I was in a grey ghoulish body and some dude in leather jacket waved his hand before my face to know if I'm "awake" and told me 
> You forgot this
Then he bought a jar with a golden bright fetus in it and put it into my navel. Then extracted a "Siren" from my body that I used to eat a golden pearl a month ago then some grey materia. When this happened I had a vision of my mother. I realized I am now my own mom...
Then that leather jacket dude told me 
> don't forget to "keep yourself together"
Then I had to come back to this reality and do that "consummation of bodies" 
As my "other body" came through it looked like I am literally walking out from the mouth of some abyss monster. As I was wondering where did I see this I realized it's literally the birth of Venus. Except like she walked out from a clam. Which is also a pearl also a sea creature also the representation of the abyss.

While this was the weirdest shit on my path so far. It caused something. First my "astral smell" started to smell sulfur... I don't know who's idea was that "hell" is sulfuric but he sorta visited hell. It really smells like that. Then my 3rd eye. It merged. My 3rd eye grew bigger than the size of my brain and I was able to open it to see all the colors of "reality" and be able to do TK again. 
This is the nice part. 
Now comes the hard realization of the 2 petals of the 3rd eye.
Well we have 3 egos and we need to master all 3 to have psychic powers . Dissolving our ego is "easy" but... not creating a false ego left and right? Yeah that is why we need to get rid our desires. The funny thing tho. I had a clue about this. When I overtook "3 headed super Shiva mega godform" I had to awaken the other 2 head on my shoulder. And as I did that beasts jumped up to the heavens. Our main ego is "smart" because it had time to gain experience or a "personality" but the 2 others? Well they are sorta "help" on our path but they mostly asleep. And today I learned why. Our human body is not able to "feed" 3 superconsciousness. We need to have our energy flow fixed first our thoughts calm and organized then you have to build up your "personalities" from hell itself.

No wonder Yukari is the most powerful yokai in Gensokyo. And what does the most powerful yokai do all the time? Sleep...
Also just because 1 of our ego is not being fed properly doesn't mean he will not come for you as a demon and feast on your fear/life forces if you are a retarded fuck. Or on other people... That is why the "bowl" formation is a good one. It collects the "high" energies and "protects from the "low ones".

> What is the large white spike seen in vampires? It's the result of the opposite method: "hill climbing"

I call my path the "rocket ship".
The side effect of it is that... Well. rockets don't really have foundations so here comes the next stage. The space elevator. Then it turns into Yggdrasil. Then probably Hermes Trismegistus. Now I understand why is he called "thrice great".