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It seems to come down to, in the end, that the way out from the physical earth is by the starting point of it. Treat the planet as a space where time begins at one end and moves towards its degeneration by the far end. The way out is at the beginning.

Understanding its full history in some manner, no matter how abstracted, will be necessary to leave. This would have sounded incomprehensible to me not long ago, but now I see that it's just a matter of perspective. False history created through revisionism repeated over the ages serve as a "great wall" here, preventing people from leaving. Accepting this false image will make it impossible to leave. This is how the dictatorship of the "prison planet" keep souls in slavery. As long as you accept lies, you stay, while you stay you create karma by eating and consuming resources. They're there for taking, but just the same they're not for free, karmically. Just treading water, there are entities who will place an energetic "tax" on you, harvesting the energy of your endless suffering. They will instill false values deep inside you, programming telling you that you need to
> deserve
things by working for them, in the way they tell you. If you believe this, you cannot leave.

They can do this because they know a few more things than you. They know some of the lies are lies, and they know that they can't actively support them. But leaving vague hints of truth mixed within the things meant to speak to your programming, will make it your own choice to be fooled. It's a self playing piano, they're raking in the coins while you get nothing.