thumbnail of Galaxies and universes.png
thumbnail of Galaxies and universes.png
Galaxies and universes png
(45.73 KB, 512x471)
I don't use the term "universe" in this manner.
> pic
This was posted in a previous discussion, the Empusa here only for reference because there are beings existing on the scale of galaxies who are independent living beings with no planets or stars inside them, but they look similar from outside. Empusas in particular like to role play as lower spirits so they may respond to summonings, which has created the misconception that they are mere energy stealing ghosts. (They're really huge beings with a central black hole, there is no one who can force them to do anything at all and they can kill any regular being in an instant by sucking out their life force.)

See also the sketch here:

Receiving energy from the universe would mean to live within the means of this level, the creation emanating from the sacral chakra, in yoga terms. But the universe is also an independent being, like a manager, who is responsible for the culture, lore and rules of life within the creation below. It's possible to view this as limited to the 2D level, which means a more developed vampire indeed does not receive the major part of their energy from this level, or more correctly does not use it within this level. Most people do probably generate their energy in their sacral chakra, but technically speaking if you create your own energy, you are not receiving it from the universe.