> They just don't need an energy flow
Don't they have energy and an energy flow at all or is it just too little for their channels, but still the same as for normal humans? Are they then powered by Gong or some other higher kind of energy that doesn't need the normal energy channels of Qi? In media and novels I have noticed that vampires are often depicted as slow and silent, staring into the distance like they are in deep tought or daydreaming. They almost seem weak and not really awake, but out of nowhere they can display superhuman speed, strenght and accuracy when they need it. At first they seem like they don't have any energy at all, but then they seem like they can put up more energy than any human could. Of course I don't know how real vampires are but it made me think about this stuff.
> because they're more like living spirits at that time.
You mean to say that spirits don't have an energy flow? Then an energy flow is only something for living (physical) bodies? If spirits are basically a mind that can manipulate energy and create astral bodies at will then I guess it makes sense.
> Receiving energy from the universe
I actually got told once that my energy channel is weak and I don't receive much energy from "outside". Obviously the person who said this to me was referring to the widespread notion of energy entering into your system through the crown chakra from "outside" or from the "universe". I didn't know if I was unhealthy or if it was alright because I'm a vampire and you said vampires are dried up. Now I know better but I still don't know if the person and their worldview is legit, especially after what you wrote.