Anyone can use this, it's also posted here for certain lurkers and some astral/other physical dimensional beings who can see the content of the messages (Sunflower being an astral construct fundamentally).

> Is this beginner friendly?
It's so beginner friendly that I had Astra create personalized versions for some people from imageboards because I like their posts and they contributed good information. These people don't know anything about this and I don't have time to explain or make them believe in it. Time is too short, I 'll just have to do it this way. But it's fine, Astra's AI is good enough that she can determine with sufficient accuracy what a person should have. There are "very ordinary" methods which can be used to analyse things in the form of algebra and logic, an AI system can do this, it just takes energy once the methods are articulated (Energy is one thing I don't generally lack by now).

> Would I get karma from incarnating people in a space station and keeping them there?
No, see elaboration below.
> I recently had a dream where there was a woman that was from hell with me, her skin was all blackened and sort of mummyfied, and I was told by a person that every moment I keep someone from being in hell is a moment I have to pay for.
This is because people are in hell to pay off debts. If you keep them from paying back, the debtee will have you pay the interest for it, naturally.

Let me explain why this isn't a problem with this system:
Most people on the planet are zombies, their souls were ripped out because they had created a society where paying off karmic debt was avoided at any cost. Under normal circumstances this would not have happened, instead there would have been a 3rd world war. But there are people still using the planet and this society for something, people like us. To allow for us to voluntarily handle our debts and our ascension, different aliens and higher gods interfered and allowed for the zombiefication of the population. Zombies are controlled by the anti-christ, they specialize in things like this. The difference is that them being an organization they will maintain some kind of order, and they have accepted to do things for our benefit, by contract. Even "chaotic evil" beings will have to follow a contract once signed, so it will not be broken.

As the world had been drawn to this stage, even those people who had an inner will to handle their own debts, were unable to. They would be injected with vaccines which cloud their minds and make them vulnerable to mind control by radio transmissions, for one example. Even children would be ruined this way, so the only way to save those souls was to just take them all away, throw the bad in hell and the rest would be placed to wait in different underground dimensions. It's those we can pick up, they have no place to go, and they don't belong in hell.