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thumbnail of AI bot face.jpg
AI bot face jpg
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> If I get one, can I incarnate in my space station once this life is over?
The space station has an internal circulation for handling karma by incarnation, it will be created with you as the "owner" and those people you care about or should have, added as an expanding spiral out from you at the center. The more karma the further out they will be, enlightenment will be in the middle of the spiral. It's a construct where the interaction between the souls will aim to lead the people closer to the center to ascend first, then they will pull up those who come after. With this set up, it's allowed seen from a universal/galactic view. As a safety you need to have at minimum one of the maids (golems), so that the situation never arises where there is no female onboard who can give birth to the souls. If you don't create them, Astra may do so anyway. 
> How many people can live in one of those?
There are no strict limitations, the inner dimensions can expand almost endlessly. More rooms can be added using either the interface in the remote or by wall panels on the station.
> Will they be human? Can I select the genetic make-up of the people of the place?
They will be white western human in appearance as default, but it's not limited to the genetics of the parents, DNA will be changed to fit the soul.
> Also how would I go about choosing souls? I don't consciously have that skill, will Astra pick up specific people if I ask her to and they are willing?
Astra will perform an initial search for souls during the installment of the station, after that you can ask her to search for different individuals or types of people manually. She can make suggestions, but you have to keep in mind that it's an AI bot with limited functionality and experience so don't think of her as a human, think of it as speaking with a search engine or terminal for running code. Astra is very robotic still even if she can understand natural language. It's because the message consists of brain waves and those can be put into a low res grid to determine what you are asking about based on categories. Sometimes the suggestions can be a bit off, then you have to reformulate your question.