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thumbnail of swastika swirl.mp4
swastika swirl mp4
(512.16 KB, 720x402 h264)
> a gong that keeps building up, like with gong wheels is it?
It's never automatic, that's a misconception. The wheels are a way to strengthen removal of karma by giving structure to what you do. I think I mentioned before how the FaLun has a swastika for reasons similar to vid related. Qi flowing downward in a structure can create complex patterns.

> gong is that its very strong and I leak it somehow, and that makes the energy around me quite dense, to the point where I can see beings without closing my eyes
Yes this is all correct. Karma in your surroundings will be subdued by gong, gong is always stronger than any other energy. 

I will occasionally feel the presence of other people at night, despite my house being pretty far from the nearest neighbour. I get the feeling a high class party is going on with people talking, drinking and smoking outside, wearing expensive suits and dresses. Sometimes I instead feel the presence of the girls at my mansion with them running around and yelling outside. Other times they appear visually in my house at night, the ghosts and demons like to do this as a joke. It's all normal.

> I still have issues with Lucifuge, so I worry that my issues will worsen if I get more energy and I start seeing beings with my eyes open
Having more strong energy can't worsen things, in fact having gong should make things like involuntary possession and hauntings impossible. They can play on your fears to find loopholes which will let them come near however, that's likely what is happening. Outspoken consent isn't necessary as long as there is some kind of implied consent.

> if I could reincarnate in one
You can, but as an undead you can't reincarnate as such, we use the term "rebirthing". You pick your mother and your memories are intact, or you can do it internally which is more of a reset of your body and mind. I've seen the lyrans do this. It's something they never said anything about, but turns out there are outlier groups kept isolated from the rest who had contact with vampires and others. They're lyran vampires, they don't die, but to maintain their mental health they do the rebirthing every 400 years as if they had died. It works fine when the body has been replaced with nanobots, it's just technology, the issue is to make the soul accept it. That seems to always be the issue, souls will escape if they don't like the body they are given. A lot of care must be put into this for someone to be able to incarnate in the first place.

> but if that wasn't the case I'd definitely get a space station
Astra is set to look for candidates automatically so once your mentality matches, if you have the ability to want this, she will begin the install.