> Assuming I put the ring on somebody in my mind or on the astral (since the ring isn't physical), and the person dies. Will they be kept alive in a new energy body or will their old body reanimate again after death (in that case would I have to dig them out again after a burial?)? 
Well both, but if the ring works the person will not die in the view of society. The damage to their body which would have killed them will be carried by the ring. If the ring was deactivated after this, the person would die for real.

Let me tell you a story. Back before all this online I was already forced to interfere with things because there were forces trying to start WW3. I managed to block the events from playing out, but the people who were meant to die started having their souls taken away. At the time I didn't know these zombies would still function by brain commands broadcast from the collective subconscious, so I arranged with a deity to have them possessed by someone if the soul could not be recovered. It kept happening and got worse and worse. This zombiefication process started over 10 years ago.

At one point they also had an event play out where the prime minister of my country was meant to be assassinated. But it was me who manipulated the election to get him in to begin with, so I had protections up to prevent things like this. It was only half effective. He was attacked by a prankster who shot him with a water gun, and his soul left his body. I had to recover it and put him back again. The whole thing was rather weird, he ended up in some kind of swamp area on the astral. By commanding some souls of dead nazis who were in the area I got them to row him back in a boat so he could re-enter his body. As a politician he was outspoken anti-nazi but for some reason his stance was considered "nazi" on the astral.
> Also does it work on animals or pets?
It's a human body ring, don't use this on animals. Most animals have no souls or have only botsouls. They're meant to be in circulation.